
Can You Make Any Money Running An Animal Rescue

This manual includes a plan for how to start an animal welfare organization, including writing a mission argument, setting goals, establishing a board of directors, defining policies, rallying public support, and more.

Table of Contents
Meeting for the animals
1.) Exercise research and preliminary planning
2.) Write your mission argument
3.) Gear up your goals
4.) Establish your board of directors
5.) Obtain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status
6.) Set upward an accounting system and budget
vii.) Define policies and standards
viii.) Take it to the public: Cultivate support in the community
9.) Hold a productive first meeting
x.) Recruit and develop people
11.) Provide quality services for animals
12.) Assess your organization's progress and brand changes
For more information on nonprofit direction

Coming together for the animals

Why offset an system to help animals? When y'all grade a humane arrangement, y'all create a focal point for efforts to help the animals, an outlet for compassionate support from the public which did not exist before. Your group can become a powerful network to protect and abet for the animals. There's strength in numbers!

Where do I start? If you commencement out with an understanding of what will be required to make your efforts successful, y'all'll already be ahead of the game.

While the purpose of your new organization is to aid animals, all the principles that apply to running a successful business organization use equally to this venture. Ultimately your organization will succeed or fail as a concern.

To achieve your goals, information technology is essential to invest sufficient fourth dimension and resources into planning, management, and fundraising. Most people understand the importance of providing quality care to animals, only struggle with the authoritative aspects of running the organization.

Woman in a plaid shirt holding a black and white, medium hair cat, who is looking at the camera

Lynda Foro, president of Doing Things for Animals (a national advancement program for no-kill organizations), advises startup groups that while directly intendance may be the purpose of the organization, an equal corporeality of time is needed for management, fundraising, and related tasks.

No 1 person must, or fifty-fifty can, do everything. Nearly successful organizations are the production of teamwork, requiring the cooperation of several people with varied skills and talents who share a dedication to the group's purpose. One person'southward interests and talents may lead him to spend most of his fourth dimension on directly brute care, while someone else will need to spend most of her fourth dimension on authoritative tasks.

Starting an animal organization step-by-step

This publication takes you, step-by-pace, through the procedure of starting an organization to help animals. It won't all happen neatly in this order, but generally this is what needs to be washed.

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1.) Do research and preliminary planning

In the excitement of starting something new, information technology'southward tempting to rush through this starting time stride. But energy invested in research and planning early on saves at least twice the time in mistakes later.

Know the basics. If y'all don't have a business groundwork, reading a single book on nonprofit management tin make a world of difference. About local libraries have books on the subject, and the price is right! Talking with knowledgeable people, visiting other successful organizations, and attending workshops or seminars tin can assist to give y'all a rounded perspective and set up y'all for what lies ahead. As y'all see and talk with others in the humane motility, y'all'll also exist developing a valuable support network of colleagues.

Be informed about issues. What is the scope of the problem in your ain community? How can you all-time accost it? What are the factors affecting brute overpopulation in general? What are others in the humane movement doing? How can nosotros piece of work together?

Talking with other humane organizations, attending conferences, and subscribing to fauna-related periodicals and publications for animal welfare professionals are good means to go along upwardly with recent developments. It'southward uplifting and energizing to acquire about new ideas and meet other like-minded individuals.

"I nourish the No-Impale Conference … I consider it my 'sanity bank check,' my one time-a-year effort to go focused," reports Jane Long of the People's Anti-Cruelty Association / Albuquerque Animate being Rescue. "I return dwelling surrounded by the aura of conviction that I acquired from the inspirational speakers."

Best Friends co-founder Faith Maloney recounts an uplifting feel at a conference sponsored by SPAY/ USA several years ago: The development of early-age spay/neuter was outset announced, making information technology possible to neuter puppies and kittens before adoption to ensure that they will non breed. Religion returned to her piece of work with the determination and data necessary to implement this new policy, equally did many of the other conference attendees.

Learn as much as you tin about fauna care. Your organization sets an instance for the public. Keeping upward-to-date on proper creature care is critically important. Information technology's too important to know your limits. When in doubt, refer people to experts – veterinarians, behaviorists, and other organizations.

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2.) Write your mission statement

Much of your organization's success lies in articulating a clear and motivational mission statement for your work. This purpose should impact your heart and the hearts of those who volition support your work.

Ask yourself, "Exactly what are nosotros trying to do here?" Defining your purpose precisely in words is tremendously powerful. Your mission statement will guide all of your piece of work; information technology will help you lot with time to come decision-making and help go your message beyond to the public.

A successful mission statement volition be:

  • Brief (i or two sentences)
  • Clear and positive in tone
  • Action- and results-oriented
  • And will motivate people to support your work

Writing your mission statement also lays the groundwork for filing your corporate papers, which customarily require a statement of purpose.

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3.) Set up your goals

Don't confuse goal-setting with your mission statement. Goals are specific statements about what y'all need to attain to fulfill your mission. To brand them more concrete, put your goals in writing. Focus on results and the actions needed to achieve them. Your goals should be inspiring and motivational! Whenever possible, make them measurable.

Where to start? Start with your long-range goals and work dorsum to the nowadays. Where do yous want to be in 10 years? (The answer to this question will give y'all your long-range goals.) What interim steps will yous need to take to go there? (These are your intermediate goals.) Finally, decide which of these goals y'all'll work on in the get-go and second years. (These are your brusque-range goals; you lot'll want to focus on these correct away.)

Once the goals are agreed upon, consider how you will accomplish them. Specifically, what programs will you develop? What will be required in terms of financial resources and people?

As y'all do your planning, continue in mind that information technology's important to demonstrate success early. (Call up the erstwhile aphorism: "Nothing succeeds similar success.") You may not want to tackle your most challenging projection first; instead, hone your skills and develop the team with a more manageable project.

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four.) Establish your board of directors

What is the role of the board? The lath of directors governs the organisation. The board is responsible for establishing the management of the organization and for its financial, ethical, and legal well-being. The board is too responsible for hiring the executive director and for ongoing oversight.

If board members too fulfill other roles within the organization, as they often do in humane organizations, they should have a articulate agreement that this piece of work is separate and apart from their role as lath members. They must respect the say-so of the appointed executive director and staff with regard to daily operations.

Who should be on the board? When yous are putting together the board, there are two key components to consider: the skills and talents that y'all demand, and the personalities to make your arrangement work.

Legal, accounting, veterinary, public relations, and concern skills can all be valuable to your organization. Once you lot place the types of skills needed, list potential individuals to contact. If yous do not know them well, you'll desire to check them out – meet and talk with them. Also, talk with others who have worked with them in the by. Their ability to piece of work well with others and their commitment to the cadre values of your organization are as important equally their talents.

Squatting man holding up a treat with a small black and white dog or puppy jumping up to get it

How do we forbid problems before they beginning? Horror stories of troubled boards abound: the overly aggressive individual who scares anybody else off; the nice simply uninvolved person who can never make information technology to the meetings; the contrary person who disagrees with everything. People who have had such experiences volition tell you that an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure.

Take the time to get to know people before inviting them onto the board. Your bylaws tin can assist with solving problems when they occur; they should allow for removal of a board member and should establish "terms of role" for them, which can provide a nonconfrontational way to terminate an unproductive relationship.

How many is too many? Mostly, a smaller board (seven individuals or less) is easier to work with and is often more than efficient than a larger 1. The size of the board of directors must be set down in your bylaws. Most states require a minimum of three lath members.

Factors to consider when selecting board members

  • Will they piece of work well with your grouping? (A single troublesome individual tin impede progress and brand everyone else miserable.)
  • Do they empathise and agree with the system's purpose and goals? Share its basic principles?
  • Will they put in the time needed?
  • What resources do they bring to the board?
  • Will they commit to assist with fundraising?

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5.) Obtain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status

Incorporation has several important benefits. Information technology limits personal liability, lends credibility to your piece of work, and enhances the status of the animals under your care. Once your grouping obtains 501(c)(iii) nonprofit status from the IRS, donations to your work will be tax-deductible, which encourages larger gifts.

Additionally, incorporating and obtaining your taxation-exempt status becomes essential as your group grows. Failure to comply with IRS tax codes and state laws relating to charitable donations tin can create serious problems for your group.

What to practise get-go. You'll want to commencement by registering the corporate proper noun and gathering the necessary paperwork. Name registration and incorporation paperwork is ordinarily available from your Secretarial assistant of State or Corporation Committee. Forms for filing your 501(c)(3) application are available from the Internal Revenue Service. You may also demand to file with your state for a certificate to solicit donations and for sales tax exemption. This is often done through the Chaser General's part.

Woman holding black and white cat in a room that is surrounded with lots of orange shelves

Where to call. You tin can call your State House to get the phone number for your Secretary of State and Attorney Full general'southward role. Inquire for information on:

  • Registering the corporate name
  • Incorporating a nonprofit
  • Whatever other regulations that utilize to charitable nonprofit organizations

You can also call the IRS at 800-Revenue enhancement Course or visit its website at

Why bylaws are needed. Bylaws set downward the framework for the governance of the system. It'southward important that the bylaws are in compliance with both your land and federal regime requirements. For this reason, it's important to do some research. "Boilerplate" bylaws are bachelor at your local police library. Looking at other organizations' bylaws can also be helpful. Consider the diction carefully and go along the bylaws simple.

What's in a proper noun?

Select your organization's proper name carefully. It'southward possible to modify a corporate name, merely it'south much improve to become it right the commencement time! Name changes tin can be expensive, time-consuming, and disruptive to donors.

How will the name sound and what will information technology imply to an individual learning almost your group for the start time? The name SPCA implies that the grouping performs cruelty investigations. The term "rescue" suggests that you provide rescue services for animals. A geographic name indicates that y'all only serve and heighten resource from a restricted expanse.

Effort to select a proper noun that is:

  • Distinctive
  • Descriptive

Avoid names that are:

  • Common (such equally Adopt-a-Pet, Salvage-a-Pet, P.A.West.S.)
  • Similar to another system
  • Very long and complicated

Back to meridian

6.) Set up an bookkeeping system and budget

Yous'll need an constructive bookkeeping arrangement that documents income and expenses in understandable categories. If yous practise not take an accountant or bookkeeper, consider recruiting one to help you with this chore.

What exercise we do first? You'll need to create a upkeep. Based on your track record of spending and bringing in resource and on your plans for the next year, you can projection expenses. If you lot're just starting out, use your goals every bit a starting point for estimating expenses. Your accountant can be of assist here. The budget is a guideline. You don't accept to get it penny-perfect; merely practise the all-time you tin. You'll get ameliorate at projections over time.

When doing your budget, do not neglect to classify resources to fundraising. Information technology takes money to make money!

Woman laughing next to a big bloodhound dog named Luther

Why get through all this? Well, there are several good reasons: First, the board and executive director need to have a clear agreement of the resources needed to brand your plans work. It's a sobering experience to realize that you accept the responsibility to raise these resource.

Second, the IRS requires that you put together a budget and accept a sound accounting program in place for tracking your work. Finally, big donors, particularly foundations and businesses, will want to encounter your budget earlier they consider funding you.

When your budget is done, you tin conspicuously see what y'all need to heighten in terms of fiscal resource. (Cheque out our other manual, Fauna Shelter Fundraising Ideas.) But you still have more than piece of work to do to ensure the success and stability of the organization.

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7.) Define policies and standards

Defining your system'southward policies and standards is an ongoing process. If your arrangement is vital and growing, the policies and standards will be revised periodically. Only you will non desire to put off developing the initial policies for too long.

Establishing policies and standards (in writing), and sharing them with everyone involved, is a critical office of creating an environs where people tin piece of work together successfully toward a common goal. Anybody needs to know who makes decisions and what the usual procedures are.

Your policies will need to include things like the services you will routinely provide for the public, veterinarian care protocol, and a listing of individuals empowered to authorize veterinarian care. Such guidelines assist to create stability inside the organisation (keeping anybody on the aforementioned track). They likewise give the organization brownie by helping to ensure that consequent, quality services are provided. If yous need a starting place, examine other organizations' policies and procedures.

Aren't policies and bylaws the same thing? They shouldn't be. While the organisation's bylaws address the framework and governance of the system, policies and procedures address daily operations. Policies are more detailed, just they are as well easier to change than the bylaws.

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8.) Accept information technology to the public: Cultivate support in the community

Hold a public meeting. In one case the groundwork is laid, you demand to cultivate the support of the community, reach out, and involve more people. In lodge to succeed, your organization is going to need the support of many, many people. The next footstep is holding a public meeting, where you can explain what your group is going to accomplish.

Man with a small cream and white kitten lying over his shoulder

You lot don't want to throw a party and have nobody testify upwards! Publicity is key here, so follow these steps:

Start your mailing list. Compile the addresses of your animal-loving friends and ask all your board members and volunteers for names and addresses of people they know who may exist interested. You'll need a elementary, computerized mailing-list database to keep track of these addresses.

These names and addresses (your mailing list) class the foundation of all your time to come fundraising efforts. (See Animal Shelter Fundraising Ideas for more information on building a mailing listing.)

Create a meeting notice. Send it to all the folks on your newly created mailing list. Utilise an middle-catching photo or drawing of an animal on the notice and brand certain that ALL of the following pertinent information is included:

  • Who is involved
  • Organization's name, mailing address, phone number, electronic mail address
  • Subject of the meeting
  • When (date and fourth dimension)
  • Where (give the accost and directions)

Also, call back to make it friendly, fun, and interesting. Volition refreshments be served? Will a local glory or trusted community leader exist there? Invite people to bring a friend.

Timing the inflow of the detect is of import, too. More than three weeks prior and people forget; less than 10 days before the meeting and their schedules are already filled!

Put upwards posters. A good poster campaign is an inexpensive and highly effective mode to attract people to your meeting. An viii one/ii" x 11" affiche printed on brightly colored newspaper with an eye-catching epitome of an animal volition do the job.

Select locations and assign volunteers to post the notices. Vet clinics, groomers, public libraries, town halls, supermarket bulletin boards, pet supply stores, and local businesses should all be covered. To maintain good relations in the community, always ask permission before posting notices.

Contact the media. Send a news release to the local newspapers and a public service announcement to local radio stations. (Run into the publicity department in Animate being Shelter Fundraising Ideas for more than information.)

Woman sitting on the ground with a small black and tan dog sitting in her lap looking at the camera

Creating publicity materials that piece of work

  • Appearance matters! If it's also decorated, hard to read, sloppy, or dull, it will not take the desired result. Use graphics or photographs to make your materials more centre-catching.
  • Accuracy counts. Take at to the lowest degree two people proofread all materials before they go out – letters, posters, flyers, literature about the group, everything. They should be checking for errors in spelling, grammar, and content.
  • Fashion and tone. Avoid using guilt or a "doom and gloom" approach. Yous can present substantive information in a positive fashion. Your events should sound appealing and up-beat and your organisation should exist presented every bit a winning, successful program.

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9.) Concord a productive first meeting

Be aware of the goal of the starting time coming together. At this first meeting, it's important to constitute your credibility and to explain the program clearly and positively. While you desire to convince people of the seriousness of this trouble, be sure to speak in a positive tone. You lot must convince the attendees that this is a doable project, that they can make a difference. No 1 wants to get on board a sinking ship!

An unproductive coming together tin exist the kiss-of-death to a young group, since the decorated, productive people you demand to connect with do not have time to waste.

Provide written materials. Provide handouts that people tin can have dwelling house, and encourage them to share the information with others. These are some of the materials you'll want to have available at the meeting:

  • Data most the plan or organisation
  • Donation request form or flyer
  • Sign-in sheet that requests the attendee'due south proper noun and mailing accost
  • Volunteer form that gives people the opportunity to indicate how they may be willing to help out and to inform you lot about whatsoever feral colonies or animal problems that they are aware of in town
  • Posters announcing the side by side coming together date
  • Donation coin canister
  • Photos of animals that y'all take helped and photos of some that are in need of assistance

Organizing a successful meeting

  • State in one or two sentences exactly what you would similar your meeting to accomplish.
  • Prepare a written agenda. Set time limits for each detail. (Provide a written copy of the agenda to each attendee.)
  • Set basis rules and appoint a strong, only fair, chairperson. Her task is to maintain focus and order and prevent the meeting from degenerating into a series of "cute animal stories" or "war stories." Later on the meeting ends is the appropriate time for people to chat. (Don't underestimate the value of personal time spent getting to know people. Many valuable connections are made informally, after the meeting is over.)
  • Adjust follow-up. Note action items and accept activity!

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10.) Recruit and develop people

Carefully select fundamental volunteer staff. All of your training will pay off here. You want volunteers to buy into your arrangement's mission and goals – up front.

Engage one of your lath members to spearhead your volunteer recruitment. Provide written job descriptions (these can exist brief) and training, which must include the organization's policies and procedures. Effective follow-up is equally important every bit initial preparation. A good volunteer coordinator works with the volunteers on an ongoing basis to ensure that important tasks are completed on time, to become feedback, and to supply boosted grooming every bit needed.

Recruit capable people. Many people approach volunteer recruitment by continuing up at a coming together and asking, "OK, is anyone willing to do this?" Instead of waiting to encounter who volunteers, try actively selecting the person you desire to practise the task. This takes a scrap more fourth dimension, since you'll need to get to know the individuals, just it tends to event in higher-quality help. In one case you have selected the right person, call or suit to see, and let her know that she'due south just the right person for the job!

Train people. Afterward volunteers are assigned tasks, they'll need thorough training in order to perform their roles effectively. Anyone in your group who provides hands-on brute care (including trapping, foster care, transport) must receive general animal health-care information, complete grooming in the care and treatment of the animals, and teaching in the proper use of equipment. Training should be a top priority, since you must ensure the safety and well-beingness of the volunteers and all animals that come nether your care. Everyone also needs to accept an agreement of the system's policies and procedures.

Address problems. While yous want to exist tolerant of differences and develop each private to their fullest potential, call up that the organization's mission must come before the interests of any i person. If an individual is disruptive to many others or becomes an impediment to the organization'south mission, you can and should fire the volunteer. You do not accept to have the services of an individual who is not working within your arrangement's prescribed guidelines. Naturally, this assumes that you take carefully and fairly examined the situation. It's ofttimes advisable to get a partner in such decisions (perhaps a board member or plan coordinator), since another perspective helps to ensure fairness and lengthened tension and blame. Information technology may also be helpful to have a written policy about the organization'southward relationship to volunteers.

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11.) Provide quality services for animals

Quantity without quality is destructive. Don't exercise more than than you can do well; the animals deserve quality care. Providing skillful care for the animals and accurate data for the public must be meridian priorities in developing your programs, and in selecting and grooming your volunteers. Take care non to expand services more quickly than your resources can support them.

Regarding veterinary care, local vets may be willing to offer discount services once your plan is explained. For assistance in locating a receptive veterinary or clinic, y'all may desire to contact SPAY/Us (800-248 SPAY) and Friends of Animals (800-321-PETS) for referrals. You only need to find one willing veterinary to offset; you tin can always build other relationships equally yous grow.

Devising a reliable authorization arrangement for vet care, keeping careful rails of your expenses, and paying the veterinarians promptly are critical parts of maintaining a good reputation in the customs.

Special considerations: Opening a no-kill shelter

If your organization is because operating a shelter facility, there are some additional issues to exist considered:

Raising sufficient resources. The animals under your intendance will be entirely dependent on you, non but for routine care and nutrient, but also for emergency veterinary intendance. Talk with other successful organizations to get an authentic picture of the financial and time commitment involved in operating a shelter. You'll need to assess your initial and ongoing financial needs AND your power to keep resource coming in.

Meeting the psychological, as well equally the physical needs of the animals. A no-kill shelter that volition house animals for extended periods of time must be able to provide a cage-free environment. It'southward not humane to keep cats or dogs confined in cages for prolonged periods of time. Each beast too needs daily personal attention from staff or volunteers.

Fugitive overcrowding. If your shelter becomes overcrowded, the animals run an increased take chances of developing wellness bug and stress-related behavior bug. Since you will receive many more calls to help animals than you'll reasonably be able to accept, you lot need to accept a strategy in identify to handle these calls. Providing instructions to assistance people identify animals into new homes themselves and making referrals to other area organizations are constructive ways to encourage people to exercise the right matter.

Dealing with the euthanasia issue. Responsibly-run no-kill shelters provide humane euthanasia to animals who are suffering and across help. It's all-time to take a written policy in identify regarding the standards for making the decision to euthanize an beast and to determine who within the organization is responsible for making this decision. (There must be backups in instance the key person is unavailable.) The stance of your veterinarian and the group's ability to provide skillful quality of life for the animal ought to counterbalance heavily in the decision-making procedure.

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12.) Appraise your organisation's progress and make changes

The leaders of the organisation are responsible for fulfilling the system's mission and meeting the organization's goals. This requires periodically assessing your progress and making necessary changes to get the chore washed. Are you lot truly fulfilling your mission? Are y'all meeting your goals? Are the programs working?

Remember, success is an ongoing procedure of making adjustments.

Laughing woman wearing sunglasses holding a brown dog who is licking her face

A labor of honey

Though starting an organization is labor-intensive, it's also richly rewarding on many dissimilar levels. Every adoption represents a victory in our life-saving work. Every spay or neuter prevents many births. Every individual that yous achieve with your message of compassion and caring for the animals will share the message with others. Many of your program'southward volunteers will forge new friendships with others they come across at meetings and events. Your effort will not only aid many, many of the community's animals, but information technology will build a strong brotherhood of people who care about animals. The ripple of compassion that you put into motion will go on on growing, and growing. And that'southward what it'southward all nearly!

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For more data on nonprofit management


Independent sector
A coalition of leading nonprofits, foundations, and corporations strengthening non-for-profit initiative, philanthropy, and citizen activeness.
1200 Eighteenth Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-467-6100
Fax: 202-467-6101
Spider web:

National Council of Nonprofit Associations
A network of 37 state and regional associations of nonprofits representing more than than 21,000 nonprofits throughout the country.
1030 15th Street NW, Suite 870
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202-962-0322
Fax: 202-962-0321

The premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofits.
1828 L Street NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-5114
Phone: 202-452-6262 or 800-883-6262
Fax: 202-452-6299

Points of Light Foundation
A national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that promotes volunteerism.
1400 I Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-729-8000
Fax: 202-729-8100

Nonprofit Risk Management Center
A source for tools, advice, and training to control risks so y'all can focus on your nonprofit's mission.
1001 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-785-3891
Fax: 202-296-0349


The Nonprofit Handbook (2002)
by Gary Grobman
White Hat Communications
P.O. Box 5390
Harrisburg, PA 17110-0390
Phone: 717-238-3787
Fax: 717-238-2090

How to Course a Nonprofit Corporation (2017)
by Anthony Mancuso
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street
Berkeley CA 94710-2524
Telephone: 800-728-3555
Fax: 800-645-0895

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