
Google Drive to Launch Tuesday? - johnsonhatome

Google Drive to Launch Tuesday?

Google's expected new Dropbox competitor, Campaign, whitethorn launch as early as Tuesday, oblation 5GB of free online storage and up to a level bes 100GB for premium users, according to an online report. Meditation about Google Drive has been circulating for old age, but reports about the service have increased in frequency since February.

The potential new service would most liable repose at, and let you fund a number of different file types including images and documents. It's not clear whether Google would also let you computer memory music and videos on the armed service since the companionship already offers an online storage solution for music. Google may also impart hi-tech research technology to Drive in including image-based search, according to an anonymous authoritative who spoke to Reuters.

If Drive does launch in the coming days, it will enter a crowded field of popular storage solutions that admit Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft's SkyDrive. Google's purported online storage offer would be comparable its rivals in terms of Drive's non-slave 5GB online storage offering. Box offers non-occupation users 5GB of free memory. A recently overhauled SkyDrive downgrades its users to 7GB instead of 25GB, but old users rear reclaim their hoary storage limit past visiting this SkyDrive Page.

Dropbox offers 2GB of available online storage, besides as an extra 3GB for its new automatic photo upload feature. The extra storage is doled out to users in 500MB increments as required. Dropbox likewise offers free 500MB increments up to a maximum 18GB for users who can convince their friends and colleagues to sign up for the armed service.

Drive Pricing

Google Drive to Launch Tuesday?

There's no Holy Scripture happening how much Google power charge for its supposed 100GB uttermost on Drive. The company offers 80 GB of online storage that arse be shared across every its products including Picasa Web Albums, Google Docs, and Gmail for $20 per year and 200GB for $50 per year. That's already cheaper than the contest such arsenic Box's $240 per annum appoint for 50GB of storage. The new SkyDrive charges $50 per year for 100GB and Dropbox will cost you $100 per year for 50GB. The maximum amount of online storage Google presently offers is 16TB for $4,096.

The Leaflet's the Thing

Google Drive to Launch Tuesday?

Users can already store any file they want on Google Docs, and images can represent stored and shared from Picasa Web Albums. So why would Google offer a Dropbox-style competitor when it sells online storage to store mental object on its Web-based apps?

It appears that Google wants to duplicate the simplicity that made Dropbox much a popular solution for so many users. Instead of being a connected ram down, webpage or some other solution, Dropbox is simply another pamphlet on your computer that happens to sync with an online storage solution. Google Drive appears to be designed to operate as a Dropbox-equivalent folder, based on a purportedly leaked screenshot of the newfound service obtained by Peach Android. The screenshot shows a simple splash foliate advertising "Google Drive for Windows," an app that "installs in seconds" and syncs your documents to the mottle as well as another connected devices.

If Google Drive does launch in the next hardly a years it's ambiguous what would happen to Google's prevalent online storage offerings or how Drive would integrate with Web apps such as Google Docs and Gmail.

Reuters' recent cover follows a similar article past The Next Entanglement that besides claimed Google could launch Drive as early as Tuesday. The report said the new serving would be ready for Macintosh, Windows, Mechanical man and iOS devices at launch but there was no cite of a Linux client for Google Drive.

Connect with Ian Paul (@ianpaul) on Twitter and Google+, and with Today@PCWorld happening Twitter for the latest tech news and analysis.


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